2 April 2024
Upcoming Events
Week 10
Week 11
2024 Important Dates
Term 2
Week 1
From the Principal
School Shoes
Cuppa After Assembly
Pedestrian Safety
Afternoon Walkers
Year 6 Farewell Committee Meeting
Religious Education & Catholic Life
Parents and Friends
School Calendar Handy Hints
Update your Details
Community Notices
Upcoming Events
Week 10
- Monday 1st April
- Easter Monday (Public Holiday - school closed)
- Easter Monday (Public Holiday - school closed)
- Tuesday 2nd April
- Easter Celebration Service (2:10pm Hall)
- Assembly hosted by Mr Boylan and Year 6 Volunteers
- Wednesday 3rd April
- CPS Swimming Homebush
- Year 6 Farewell Committee Meeting 5:00pm
- P&F Meeting 5:30pm
- Friday 5th April
- Rugby 7's Gala Day
- P&F Disco
- Kindergarten to Year 2 5:30pm - 6:15pm
- Year 3 to Year 6 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Week 11
- Monday 8th April
- First Communion Acknowledgement (9:00am Hall)
- Assembly hosted by Year 3
- Wednesday 10th April
- CWA Public Speaking Finals 9:15am (Years 3-6)
- CWA Public Speaking Finals 9:15am (Years 3-6)
- Thursday 11th April
- Last day of Term 1
- ANZAC Service (Hall) 9:00am - Concert Band
- Friday 12th April
- Pupil Free Day - Staff Development Day
2024 Important Dates
- Thursday 11th April
- Last day of Term 1
- Last day of Term 1
- Friday 12th April
- Pupil Free Day - Staff Development Day
- Pupil Free Day - Staff Development Day
- Monday 29th April 2024
- Pupil Free Day - Staff Development Day
- Pupil Free Day - Staff Development Day
- Tuesday 30th April 2024
- Welcome to the first day of Term 2 - Winter Uniform
More important dates listed here Website Calendar Link
For those with a Google Account the calendar can be added to your Google calendars for
easy access on your phone or device Google School Calendar Link
Term 2
Week 1
- Monday 29th April 2024
- Pupil Free Day - Staff Development Day
- Pupil Free Day - Staff Development Day
- Tuesday 30th April 2024
- Welcome to the first day of Term 2 - Winter Uniform
From the Principal
Happy Easter!
What a huge week we had remembering and celebrating with students through Holy Week. We thank all those involved for their support of these special events for our students.

We thank you for supporting our Project Compassion efforts during Lent. With our students reaching their fundraising target, I was pleased to dress as a giant m&m for the day (even while the Bishop was visiting!).
Thinking about our special place at the centre of Bathurst, right beside our Cathedral, we are so grateful for the many lighthouse adults who are able to be involved in our school. Last week I was delighted to supervise two fathers coaching our rugby players, our diocesan seminarians building community through a game of soccer with Year 6 (even Fr Diep returned to support our team) and we welcomed two DeoQuest missionaries, Rosario and Natalia who were moved by our Year 6 dramatisation of Holy Week.

As we now celebrate the Easter Season, we give thanks for this special place and as Bishop Michael reminds us in his Easter message below, now is an important time to remember our sisters and brothers who may not be experiencing the peace and prosperity that we find ourselves in the midst of, we especially remember and pray for all those who are experiencing war at this time.
Easter Message +Michael McKenna
Bishop of Bathurst
Easter 2024
From Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, our liturgies and the scriptures proclaimed in them take us back to Jerusalem, back to what we call the Holy Land. Our faith looks to actual people and events, to specific times and places: unless Jesus was born, died and rose again, not just as an idea, but there and then, our faith would be in vain.
So, of all the wars, famines, deaths and displacement of peoples that afflict so many sisters and brothers in our world today, we are anguished in a particular way by the horrors of what has been happening in the Holy Land. Violence has begotten more violence; and ordinary and defenceless people are being ground up in the unforgiving wheels of history, politics and the arms trade.
Our prayers for the victims of wars and for the miracle of peace can draw strength from pondering seriously what we declare in our Easter faith. God does not stand back and watch our mess and our suffering, but enters it fully in the person of the Son. He not only takes our suffering and sin on himself, but even death itself: and defeats them. His resurrection is not about God showing off his power. Because it happens in his human body, it opens the path through death, into fulness of life, for all of us.
Will we say yes?
Camille da Silva Tavares | Principal
We are pleased to announce that Miss Reece Ryan will commence next term as our Aboriginal Education Officer. Reece will spend the first weeks introducing herself to our community and getting to know our students.
School Shoes
Families are reminded that joggers should only be worn on designated sport days. On all other days students should be wearing black leather shoes. If you are unable to provide the correct shoes for your child because you are experiencing financial difficulties then please contact our office so that assistance may be provided.
Cuppa After Assembly

You are invited to join us for a cuppa after assembly each Monday morning.
Bring your coffee from Cafe Viva or make yourself a cuppa in the hall kitchen.
All are very welcome.
Pedestrian Safety
We ask that any families using the George St entrance/exit to please use the pedestrian crossing. It is unsafe to cross in the middle of the road as this is the bus bay area. We also ask that parents please hold their child’s hand when exiting the school gate and walking to their vehicles.
Afternoon Walkers
Parents are reminded that the afternoon walkers duty is intended for students walking home or to workplaces only. For those families picking up children, we ask that you walk into the school grounds
on George St for collection or for a quicker pick up approach the gate at William St. We understand that this is a busy time of the day and there is congestion around the streets however it is important that our procedures are followed so that we can provide a safe exit for students.
If there is extreme weather at pick up time (heavy rain, lightning etc) then students who are walking will be supervised on George St until they can be collected from the school or can safely walk.
Year 6 Farewell Committee Meeting
We invite all parents of Year 6 students to a brief meeting on Wednesday 3rd April at 5:00pm in the Library. At this meeting we will begin planning fundraising events for the Year 6 Farewell Dinner along with the event.
Enrolments for 2025 are now open.
We thank all those families who have already submitted Kindergarten enrolment forms and we ask
those wishing to enrol their child for 2025 to do so as soon as possible.

Religious Education & Catholic Life
Holy Week & Easter Services
It was wonderful to see our students and many in our wider school community at our Holy Week Service.
I extend this gratitude to the Year 6 students who presented this dramatisation. We were moved and inspired by your reverence, respect and creativity in the portrayal of this very important sequence of events in our faith. You not only strengthened the understanding of the key events but also our faith.
I would also like to acknowledge the considerable amount of their own time that they gave in the lead up, particularly during Recess and Lunch in Weeks 8 & 9. Today these students presented the Resurrection aspects of this very special time in our faith. Once again, thank you to everyone for your involvement in Holy Week at Cathedral School.

Project Compassion
Thank you once again for your wonderful efforts towards our focus on almsgiving during Lent. Please bring in remaining donations and boxes (they don’t need to be full) this week.
Sacramental Program: Thank you to those families who were able to join us in the Assumption Church recently for information on First Penance, First Holy Communion and Confirmation and how the parish based but school supported Sacramental Program will function this year. This was for families not just in the grades where Sacramental Units are taught (Years 2, 3 and 5). The information evening was also if your child has previously been in one of these grades but hasn’t had the opportunity to make one or more of these sacraments as yet.
Monday Liturgy & Assembly: Please join us each week between 9:00 and 9:30 am as we pray together and acknowledge the achievements of those in our school community. Classes, Grades and Committees each take responsibility for this important event weekly.
Coming up:
10 | 31 MARCH | Mon 1/4: EASTER MONDAY |
11 | 7 APRIL | Mon 8/4: First Communion Acknowledgement & Assembly (9:00am Hall) -3B |
Ashley Boylan | Religious Education Coordinator
Student of the Week | Bookwork Awards - Writing | Infants Sports Awards |
KA: Hamish | KA: Juliana and Huxley | KA: Joseph and Ada |
SPB4L | ||
MacKillop: Jett and Ella |
I hope that all Cathedral students and families had a very Holy and Happy Easter full of good books!

Merryn Sadler | Teacher Librarian
Part 3: Empathy and Kindness
This next presentation from The Resilience Project is all about Empathy and Kindness.
Empathy is our ability to put ourselves in the shoes of others to feel and see what they do. We practice this through being kind and compassionate towards other people.
Brain imaging data shows that being kind to others registers in the brain as more like eating chocolate than like fulfilling an obligation to do what’s right (e.g., eating brussel sprouts)!
Research shows that practicing empathy, such as performing acts of kindness, taps into our brain’s ‘mirror neurons’, builds compassion and our behaviour becomes more social and community-based.
View Part 3 of the series here:
Part 3 - Empathy: https://theresilienceproject.com.au/2023-parent-carer-hub-inspire-hugh/
Here’s an activity to practise empathy and kindness:
- Reflect on someone in your life who could benefit from an act of kindness today. It could be a friend who would love some affirmation about their work, your pet who deserves an extra treat, or a family member who would love a phone call or text message.
- Make a plan for who you are going to give an act of kindness to, and what you are going to do.
- If you want to add accountability to your plan, share it with someone else and encourage them to do the same thing.
- Follow up with each other in a few days time, to ask how it went!

In the Wellbeing Space it is wonderful to hear the students talking about G.E.M and finding things everyday to be grateful for.
We thank Coles Bathurst and Woolworths Bathurst for their generous donations and support as we continue to establish funding and food sources for the Cathedral Primary School Breakfast program. Woolworths Bathurst is generously donating Fruit each week, which is readily available from the Canteen and The Hub for all students.
We are putting a call out to any business or families that may be in a position to support our Breakfast Club. If you would like to make a contribution please make contact with Alice Gallagher a.gallagher@bth.catholic.edu.au. We are encouraged by the positive feedback from the school community around this exciting initiative.
Alice Gallagher and Abbie Bowman | Wellbeing Teacher/Primary Coordinator
Primary Cross Country A beautiful day was had at our annual Cross Country last Wednesday!
Congratulations to all our talented athletes for their incredible efforts and determination.
Special shoutout to Mackillop for clinching the victory and to Quinn House for capturing the Spirit Cup with their enthusiasm!
We extend our gratitude to all the parents who volunteered their time and cheered on our runners from the sidelines.
Your support truly makes all the difference! Thank you to St Stanislaus' college for graciously hosting us on their ovals. Here's to a fantastic day of sportsmanship and achievement!
Congratulations to Harvey and Audrey for receiving Participation Awards.
Congratulations is extended to the students below for receiving first- fourth place (in order). These students will be representing Cathedral School at the annual Diocesan Cross Country in Coolah on Tuesday 7th May. A note will be sent out via compass shortly.
Boys | Girls | |
8/9 Years | Max, Leo, Franklin, Caster | Trisha, Porsha, Audrey, Primrose |
10 Years | Noah, Jett, Oscar, Oisin | Lillian, Violet, Ella, Gurleen |
11 Years | Harrison, Charlie, Liam, Carter | Grace, Molly, Emilia, Isabella |
12/13 Years | Seth, Sean, Geowin, Joseph | Georgie, Pipa, Lily, Josie |

Infants Cross Country
🌟🏃♂️ Last Tuesday was an absolute blast as our little stars took to the trails at school for our annual Infant Cross Country Carnival! 🎉 With boundless energy and contagious smiles, our youngest students showcased their spirit of fun and fitness in a day filled with laughter, cheers, and healthy competition. 🏅Proud parents and teachers cheered them on every step of the way, celebrating not just physical achievements but also the value of sportsmanship. 🙌✨

CPS Swimming
We wish Maximus all the best as he competes on Wednesday at the CPS Swimming Carnival. What a wonderful achievement to make it to this level! Congratulations Maximus!
Rugby 7’s
11 students will be representing Cathedral at the Rugby 7’s Gala Day this coming Friday 5th April. We wish these students a day of fun, friendship and competition. A big thank you to the parents who are volunteering their time to train and coach these students.
Community Sport Site
Our Diocesan sports coordinator Mr Steve Maguire has created a Community Sport Site (has reports from events) for parents, families & teachers which can be accessed to assist with Diocesan Sports pathways. You may like to bookmark this site for reference: https://sites.google.com/bth.catholic.edu.au/cedbsportcommunity/home
Abbie Bowman | Primary Coordinator
Parents and Friends

Next P&F Meeting: Wednesday 3rd April 5:30pm - School Library
Everyone is invited to attend our monthly P&F meetings, which are held on the first Wednesday of each school month at 5:30pm in the Library.
There is NO PRESSURE to attend every meeting or volunteer bucketloads of time - the P&F is a great resource to keep track of what’s happening at school and connect with other parents, caregivers and school staff.
For those who cannot attend in person, we have a zoom link, if you would like to join from home!
Password: 106688
SCHOOL DISCO: Friday 5thApril - School Hall
The school Disco is back for 2024, dust off your dancing shoes and practise your dance moves
Infants: 5:30 - 6:15pm
Primary: 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Entry: $5 at the door includes a Glowstick
Wednesday 1st P&F Meeting 5:30pm
Thursday 9th Mother’s Day Breakfast & Liturgy
Friday 10th Mother’s Day Stall
OPTIONAL School Jackets- Are you ready for a cold snap?
The Cathedral School logo is embroidered on the chest, the jackets are lightweight, windproof and
water-resistant perfect for the cold weather. These optional school jackets are available to try on at the school office and ready to order via Flexischools under shop.
Please note: The optional jacket is NOT compulsory - All maroon/navy/black school jackets
are also acceptable.
If you have any enquiries about our projects or would like to get involved,
please email us at cathedralpandf@gmail.com
Melissa Bray | P & F Publicity

Cathedral School Ensemble Times & Days:
- School Choir Tuesdays at Recess
- Guitar Group Wednesdays at Recess
- Concert Band Thursdays at 7:50am
- Junior Band Thursdays at Recess
If your child is interested in participating in any of these groups please feel free to contact me chris_dove_trumpet@hotmail.com
Chris Dove | Band Director
School Calendar Handy Hints

For those who are not familiar with Google Calendar an easy way to keep up to date with the school calendar is to check the school website. Here is the link that will take you straight to the Calendar section of the site where the calendar can be displayed by month. If you click on the event more details (if confirmed) will be available for the event.
Most end of year events and special celebrations have already been added to the calendar and all
other events appear as soon as we can confirm the details. Website Calendar Link
For those with a Google Account the calendar can be added to your Google calendars for easy access
on your phone or device. Google School Calendar Link
Update your Details

Update your email, phone number, address, your child’s medical details or emergency contacts by emailing the information to cathedral@bth.catholic.edu.au
Canteen Roster Term 1 2024
The Canteen is open on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
We are in need of helpers in the Canteen on Wednesday, Thursday & Friday.
For the canteen to run smoothly 3 volunteers are essential.
Please contact Alana Watson on 0417 044 116 if you would like to be included in the canteen roster,
any time offered is welcomed.
Thank you to all our friends and family for all your ongoing support of the Cathedral Canteen.

Community Notices
The new Active and Creative Kids voucher is now available, helping to make activities more affordable for eligible NSW families.
Parents, guardians and carers of eligible school-aged children will be able to use two $50 vouchers per calendar year.
About the new program
- Vouchers are available to those receiving Family Tax Benefit Part A, or Family Tax Benefit Part B, or both.
- Vouchers can be downloaded as a QR code and used toward either an eligible physical or creative activity.
- The $50 vouchers will be issued in school term 1 and school term 3.
- Vouchers must be redeemed before their expiry date.
For more information, visit Active and Creative Kids.

Bathurst Bus Lines - School Bus Tracking App
The school bus tracking app is available for parents to download on their phone and track their child's bus in real time. This might alleviate some of the anxiety related to putting students on the bus. Please see instructions below.
Parents requiring any bus pass or general bus travel information are welcome to contact our office and we will be able to discuss their needs accordingly.
If you have any queries please contact us on 6331 2744
Kind regards,
Bathurst Bus Lines